Entries for 2025 will open soon
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An independent panel of experts judge the Personal Injury Awards every year

The Personal Injury Awards is judged by an independent panel of experts—who give their free time to assess entries—chosen for their expertise, experience and positions in personal injury.

Previous judges represented organisations and associations such as the Institute of Registered Case Managers, Association of Consumer Support Organisations, the Motor Accident Solicitors Society, the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, the Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers, the Brain Injury Social Work Group and the British Association of Brain Injury Case Managers.


About the judging panel and process

  • Judges give their free time to participate in the judging process.
  • Judges with conflicts of interest in categories will not participate in the judging of those categories.
  • Following the deadline, judges are sent every submission as submitted.
  • Judges score each submission according to the criteria of each category.
  • They meet to discuss their scores and make a final decision during a single day of judging, based on the contents of the written or video submission.
  • The judging process is confidential and all decisions are final.
  • Feedback is provided for winning submissions, however, due to the high volume of entries, feedback cannot be provided for anyone else.

Entries for the The Personal Injury Awards 2025 will open soon!

The Personal Injury Awards provides a unique opportunity to highlight and celebrate the excellence of individuals and organisations across the sector.

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